Link in Bio
What is Link in Bio by eclincher?
Link in Bio by eclincher is a powerful tool that allows you to drive traffic to specific products, content, or services through a single link. With Link in Bio, you can customize your page with your logo, share multiple links, tag images with multiple tags, and create more opportunities for engagement, traffic, and sales. Think of Link in Bio as a mini website within your business Instagram account. You can even update and add tags to your Link in Bio page while scheduling content through eclincher.
Use Cases for Link in Bio by eclincher:
- eCommerce or B2C companies promoting listicles, featured products, campaigns, or product channels through Instagram.
- B2B companies promoting foundations, non-profits, employee campaigns, other campaigns, blogs, or products/services through Instagram.
- Authors, marketers, marketing agencies, and social media managers promoting featured content, upcoming events or webinars, products, or services through Instagram.
This article will guide you on the following:
Accessing your Link in Bio from your eclincher account.
Creating and customizing your Link in Bio page.
Scheduling and publishing your post with Link in Bio.
Adding the Link in Bio to your Instagram Bio.
Organizing your Link in Bio page domain.
I. Accessing Link in Bio from your eclincher account:
Dashboard access: Go to “Link in Bio” from the left-panel menu to start creating and sharing your Link in Bio page.

Live Feeds: Click "Feeds" > "Live Feeds" > Instagram, and select the Link in Bio icon.

Publishing and Scheduling: Open "Publishing" > "Publishing and Scheduling", select Instagram profile, attach image, and then click the "Add Image to Link in Bio Page" action button.

Please take note of the following:
Always select one Instagram profile when creating a post for Link in Bio.
For the Approval Workflow, external users can edit captions and photos of your post but not the URL for the Link in Bio.
II. Creating and Customizing your Link in Bio Page:
A. Add links to promote your products & services on Instagram

Page Setup:
- Add your logo, business name, and description.
- Add an external link to the logo and top right header on the Link in Bio page.
- Embed your link to your website: Copy and paste the white label code to showcase your Link in Bio as an iframe on your website.
- Delete Link in Bio page: All relevant data will be deleted, making the link no longer available.
My Instagram Feed (left column):
- The mobile grid preview allows you to easily choose an image to attach a link to.
Image Setup (middle column):
- Select an image from the Instagram Feed to edit/add an external link, optional tags, and Google UTM tracking saving it to your grid from the Image Settings.
Edit Hosted Link in Bio Page (right column):
- Provides a preview of your Link in Bio Page, where you can edit the photo, delete or edit the link, delete the photo, and re-order items.
- Clicking the "Visit Page" will open your Link in Bio Page in a new tab.
B. Create and share your Link in Bio page

Page Setup:
- Add your Company/Page name and logo, edit the Page URL, and select preferred Font size & color.
Page Background
- You can (a) choose from the color picker or type in the Hex code; (b) select an image from the Library; (c) upload your own background image.
Button design:
- Label and upload a logo for each external link. Uploading a logo is optional. You can either use the available default logos or upload your own logo.
- Delete and reorder the buttons.
Media box design:
- Features images and videos to make your page standout.
- Delete and reorder the media files.
Subscribe button design:
- Aside from designing the Subscribe button, you can also save a list of subscribers onto a new or existing Google Sheet to your connected Google Drive profile.
Page Preview section:
- Provides a preview of your Link in Bio Page, where you can visit your page and the external links of your buttons in a new tab.
- Copy the URL of your Link in Bio page to paste it on your Instagram Bio.
- Share your link with social networks. (located at the bottom of the Link in Bio page)
Note: Each device interface (Mobile, Tablet, and Desktop) will have its own page background, button, media box, and subscribe button design.
III. Publishing and Scheduling your post with Link in Bio:

Select your Instagram profile in the Post Editor.
Upload image: (a) Free image library, (b) Attach your own image, or (c) Create image via Canva.
Once the image is uploaded, the "Add Image to Link in Bio Page" action button will appear.
Click “Add Image to Link in Bio Page” to add a link, optional tags, and Google UTM tracking. Once done, click "Add Image to Page".
If everything is all good, choose "Post Now" or "Schedule", and then Save.
IV. Adding the Link in Bio to your Instagram Bio:
Note: Editing your website/links is only available on the Instagram mobile app.
In Link in Bio, click on the "Copy Link" button.

Open Instagram on mobile, go to your profile and tap on Edit Profile, select Links > Add external link, and paste the Link In Bio URL.

Access your link(s) on your Instagram profile by clicking the unique Link in Bio, which will redirect you to your Link in Bio Page.

V. Link in Bio Page Domain:
Your Link in Bio functions like a mini website where you can showcase your products and add tags with external URLs. Personalize your Link in Bio by visiting your eclincher Link in Bio Page. Please note that all images will reflect what is in your domain grid once you've added a link or tags. Clicking on an image with a link or tag will redirect you to the entered external URL from your eclincher Link in Bio Page.
To visit the Link in Bio page on your eclincher account, click here

Need Assistance?
If you have any more questions or need assistance, feel free to contact our Support Team. We’re here to help you every step of the way.
Thank you,
The eclincher Support Team
Updated on: 30/10/2024
Thank you!