Articles on: Tiktok

Publishing a post for Tiktok

How to Publish a Post on TikTok

Before you can publish a post on your TikTok account, please ensure that a mobile device is connected to your TikTok account. This is necessary due to API limitations and the Push Notification Process. For step-by-step instructions on connecting a mobile device to your TikTok account via eclincher, please refer to this article: How to Add Your TikTok Account to eclincher.

Let's get started! You can publish a post on TikTok using one of the following methods:

Method 1: Publishing via eclincher Web App (Push Notification)

Open the Post Editor area in the eclincher web app. Click the dropdown arrow and select your TikTok account. Make sure that your TikTok account has been properly added with a mobile device connected to it from the "Add & Manage Accounts" tab.

Step 1

Once you've selected your TikTok profile, you can attach your video by clicking on the clip icon. You can choose a video saved on your hard drive, media library, Google Drive, or Dropbox. Note that TikTok only supports video uploads, and attempting to upload an image will result in an error.

Step 2

After attaching the video, you can either click "Post Now" to push the video to your mobile device immediately, or choose "Add a Schedule" to schedule the push notification at a specific time.

Step 3

Clicking either "Post Now" or "Add a Schedule" will push the video to your phone's gallery. You will receive a notification on your mobile device. If the post is scheduled for the future, the notification will appear at the scheduled time. You can click on the notification banner on your device or within the eclincher app to proceed.

Step 4

To publish the pushed post, open the eclincher mobile app and tap on the TikTok notification icon located in the lower-right corner of the screen.

Step 5

You will be directed to the TikTok notification area. Tap on "Publish Now." The attached video will be automatically saved to your phone's gallery, and the post's text will be copied to your phone's clipboard. The TikTok app will launch automatically.

Step 6

Once redirected to the TikTok app, you can access the pushed video by tapping the upload button in the lower-right corner. Edit the video length, apply filters, and add music as desired. To paste the caption you created in eclincher, long-press the TikTok app's post caption editor and select "Paste."

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Method 2: Publishing via eclincher Mobile App

In the Post Editor area of the eclincher mobile app, choose the TikTok profile you want to publish to.

Step 1

You can attach a video from your phone's gallery or use the in-app camera to create a video.

Step 2

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact our Support Team. We are available 24/7 to assist you.

Thank you,
The eclincher Support Team

Updated on: 05/06/2023

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