Adding mentions (tags) in posts
How to add Mentions or Tags to Social Media Channels
A step-by-step guide of how to mention other users or pages on all social media channels:
Facebook Page Mentions
Twitter Mentions
Instagram Mentions
LinkedIn Mentions
TikTok Mentions
You can add a mention of a Facebook page while composing a new post. To add mention, type the "@" symbol and start typing the first few letters of the Facebook page you would like to mention (the page will be hyperlinked once it's published to Facebook). As you type the page name, matching options will be displayed below the editor. Select the relevant page you would like to mention.
Adding mentions to a post of a Facebook Group
Please note, mention can only be added to a Facebook Group that belongs to a Page (mentions will not work with Groups under Personal Profiles - this is a limitation by Facebook API).
You can add a mention of a Twitter profile while composing a new post. To add mention, type the "@" symbol and start typing the first few letters of the profile name you would like to mention (the profile will be hyperlinked once it's published to Twitter). As you type the profile name, matching options will be displayed below the editor. Select the relevant profile name you would like to mention.
To mention an Instagram user, type the user's exact handle in the body of your post (e.g. @eclincher). Once published to Instagram, the account you mentioned will become hyperlinked.
LinkedIn tagging or mentioning works uniquely compared to other channels. You can mention company pages as well as personal profiles (please note, personal profiles' mentions can be added as long as they are following any of your pages).
Adding mentions of company pages: two ways to mention a LinkedIn company page:
To mention a company page that consists of one word, just type "@name" and click on the space bar. The mention will be automatically added.
Using this method would work with company pages that consist of one word.
You can also mention a company page by copying the LinkedIn company page URL and pasting it into the post editor. The mention will be automatically added.
Using this method requires you to select a LinkedIn profile in the post editor.
Adding mentions of personal profiles:
Start typing the handle and the personal profile name ("@name"), a dropdown will appear with users - simply select the user you would like to mention. Please note, the dropdown will only show users that follow the LinkedIn pages you selected for your post.
To mention a TikTok user, type the user's exact handle in the body of your post (e.g. @eclincher). Once published to TikTok, the account you mentioned will become hyperlinked.
Updated on: 25/01/2024
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