Articles on: Publishing and Scheduling

UTM - How to use

A Brief Guide on Using UTM Parameters in eclincher

Step 1: Access Publishing Settings

To begin using UTM parameters in eclincher, follow these steps:

Click on the icon located in the top right corner of your screen.
Select "Publishing Settings" from the dropdown menu.

Step 2: Set Up UTM Links and Sources

In the "Publishing Settings" page, navigate to the "URL Shortener" tab.
Choose "Google" as the preferred option. This will enable you to add UTM links and sources.

By adding campaign parameters to your URLs, you can track the traffic generated by different campaigns. When a user clicks on a referral link, the parameters are sent to Analytics, allowing you to analyze the effectiveness of each campaign.

To create UTM parameters, you need to assign values to specific parameters. The key parameters to use are:

- utm_source: Identifies the advertiser, site, or publication that sends traffic to your site (e.g., google, newsletter4, billboard).
- utm_medium: Specifies the advertising or marketing medium used (e.g., cpc, banner, email newsletter).
- utm_campaign: Represents the individual campaign name, slogan, or promo code for a product (as explained by Google).

Always include these three parameters when adding UTM parameters to a URL.

Note: The instructions above explain how to set default parameters for all links you use. If you want to set different parameters for a specific link in different posts:

- Use the "Edit Link" option within the text area of the post to define parameters for that particular link.

If you have any additional questions or suggestions to enhance this feature, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our Support Team is available 24/7 to assist you.

Thank you,
The eclincher Support Team

Updated on: 04/06/2023

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